Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Strand

Checked another one off the bucket list! After dinner at the same Chinese restaurant we dined at on Friday, (they remembered us by the way) we had the evening free to do whatever. We discussed several options while walking to the hotel. It was decided we would take a cab to the WORLD FAMOUS Strand Bookstore. "18 Miles of Books." And they weren't kidding. It was actually pretty overwhelming. Every book I've wanted recently, they had. Usually in multiple copies. Wes found a book on Sagamore Hill. Dad picked up Profiles in Courage. I ended up with a few short story collections and a book for my book club. We also picked up some goodies for our loved ones back home and about 100 bookmarks. Another great day in the city! I also hailed my first cab on the streets of NYC! 

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