Sunday, December 17, 2023

LWC- December Edition

 We had our third Leadership Weld County last week. The first half of the day was spent on leadership in organizations during times of change. After enjoying a very nice catered meal from a local Mexican food restaurant, we headed to the regional headquarters for Chevron. It was a pretty incredible nerve center for all the drilling going on on the JD Basin. The technology was something you would see at NASA or the FBI. I mean, who doesn’t need 9 computer screens to monitor? 

The second stop was Distortions Unlimited. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves, but let’s just say it was also incredible in its own way. I guarantee you have see their work in movies and TV shows. Dick van Dike is a famous client of theirs. The head in the last picture is based on him and is almost 6 feet tall. 

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