Monday, July 25, 2011


It was quite a family vacation last week to Yellowstone National Park. We were able to spend four nights camping at Bridge Bay, followed by a very special two night stay in Worland with the Luhms. 1643 miles and 428 pictures later, we are all home safely, sound, and in one piece. The trip wouldn't have been possible without the planning and help from Jennifer, who managed to get things ready even with second degree burns on her legs from the Water World trip. What follows is a "brief" recap of the trip. Enjoy, I know we did.

After the night in Laramie, the gang hit the road will full stomachs thanks to another great meal from Grandma Roth. It was a long day driving across Wyoming, but we mananged to get to our site, set up the camper and the tean, and have dinner served by 9:30. We enjoyed a simple meal of apple sausage brats on the grill with some other items I can't really remember. We had cold Fat Tire too.

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