Monday, July 25, 2011


It was rise and shine early at campsite C175, for a delicious breakfast of hash-browns, home made rolls, coffee and juice. After Noah and Hanah finally got the dishes done (to be fair, it was the first time either one had done camp dishes), it was off to Old Faithful! We spotted our first wild life on the way, a little coyote near Grant Village. The southern part of the park is finally starting to show some recovery from the 1988 fires. There are many new lodge pole pines starting to grow, which was a welcome sight.

We arrived about an hour before the next scheduled eruption, so we had some time to walk around the visitors center, sign the kids up for the Jr. Ranger program, sigh Nathanael up for the Young Scientist program, and find some seats to watch her erupt. We spent the next several hours walking around the Old Faithful area, while Jen helped Nathanael complete his "homework." In fact we were there so long, we got to see three eruptions from three different locations, eat a meal, and get ice cream! Not too bad for five hours!

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