Monday, September 23, 2024


 Otherwise known as the Cattle Barons Ball, an annual northern Colorado fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. I was asked by the event chair, Tara Rasmussen, if Jen and I would like to be their guests at the cancer survivors table. It was an extra special night, as the life of Kaye Monfort was also celebrated for her involvement in the Ball before passing away in May of this year due to cancer. 

It was a beautiful night, and one that I didn’t think would be as emotional as it was when the survivors were asked to stand and be recognized. We were able to see many of our friends and colleagues, enjoy a delicious dinner, and witness the event raising close to two million dollars. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Breck- Work

 Made the journey back to Breckenridge for a few nights for work. We were able to co-host the “Shop and Stroll” event with the Summit Chamber of Commerce. It was fun to spend a few days with Steve, Maria and Jen in Breck while working the event. Took everyone to Blue River Bistro for a nice dinner on Thursday. It was great to feel some colder weather on a Friday morning walk. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Good for the Soul

 After the week that was last week finally came to a close Saturday afternoon after Heritage Day finally ended, we were able to attend and support the Rebalance fundraiser at the Rush Event Center. It was really incredible and good for the soul to see Nathanael and Ruthie and their team sharing about what they do with the attendees. Jen was able to visit with friends, I was able to sit in the cigar tenant and chat with a variety of people, we had a nice dinner, gambled in the casino, and bid on a silent auction item for Bella. As a bonus, the fireworks from Heritage Day were launching just as the event ended. Special night, indeed. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

GMM- Rush Edition

 Took the party to the Rush Event Center last week for the September edition of the Greeley Mob Mixer. We were missing a few of our regulars, but several new folks made up for it. The event is still fun, the door prizes unique and the effort running it is almost 0, so we will continue on! Crabtree in October!

Friday, September 13, 2024


 For not much going on this week, it sure turned out to be a long and stressful go of it. Had a few events, including a Mob Mixer, the Dream Team breakfast, and the ADEO open house. But there were several school closures because of threats, several weird and unfortunate incidents at the ALLO office, some late nights for Jen and some early mornings for Ryan. Just a weird vibe. But the week ends on a high note as the family grows…