Friday, May 8, 2015


The last day of the semester at RMCRI is always bittersweet. I am excited for my personal trainer who is graduating and moving on to their chosen career field, but sad that I'm losing a friend who has invested a lot of time and dedication. In me. Three hours a week training me an untold hours writing exercise plans.  So, Dave and I spent roughly 50 hours together this spring. He is a great trainer and a good man. I feel I really made excellent progress this semester, including running a sub 9 minute mile and leg pressing a one rep max of 380 pounds. 

For the last day of training today, we welcomed a special trainer that really put me through my paces. She was just brutal. 

Thanks Dave for a great semester. I learned so much and am so much stronger and healthier then I was in December. Good luck and Godspeed in your future endeavors. 

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