Monday, December 29, 2014


One of the benefits of having cancer (if that isn't a weird enough opening sentence) is the time I've been able to spend at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehabilitation Institute. My work schedule finally allowed me to get back in a regular exercise routine. So every Monday, Wednesday and Friday this fall I would have a personal trainer waiting for me at 2 o'clock. This semester it was Brian. He is a great guy and a great trainer. He would plan the workout schedule for the day with included 20 minutes on the treadmill, 4-6 different exercises on the weight machines or equipment and finally some ab work and stretching. It felt great to be back on a regular exercise schedule. From August to December, I believe I lost about 12 pounds. Other highlights include doing 101 chair squats on my last day and a one rep max of 535 pounds on the leg press. Thanks again Brian. Good luck and Godspeed after graduation! 

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