Sunday, November 30, 2014

Laramie-Tuesday & Wednesday

The fun and craziness continued in Laramie during everyone's much needed vacation. Noah and I helped grandpa with some chores around the homestead. Some people went swimming at the rec center, others shopped the downtown and had coffee at Coal Creek. 

Wes, Kim and Kaleb arrived Wedneday at lunch and things really got crazy! Kaleb LOVES his cousins, espically Sarabeth. After some yummy pizza for dinner, Ryan, Wes, Bob, Sarabeth, Nathanael, and Noah headed to the newly remodeled AA for some Wyoming basketball. While not quite the glory years of the 80's and early 90's, the game was pretty fun and the Pokes won. This is the view of is from the free seat Noah had! Get ready for Thansgiving! 

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