Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Having two weekdays off has many advantages. One of them is the kids volunteering me to chaperone any and all field trips that they go on.  So last week, I made the trip to Denver with Andrew and the entire 7th grade to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We walked a few of the exhibits, saw an IMAX show and experienced the hands-on excitement of the Health Experience. Taking a group of 7th graders there sure is different then the 3rd graders last fall. The funniest part of the day was when I brought up my blog on an unmanned computer and the kids were like "what the heck is that and why are there all those creepy stalker photos of Andrew?" Didn't know my pictures were creepy stalker-like. That's a close up of Andrews eye and him on the exercise bike measuring heart rate. Pretty fun day with the kids! 

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