Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So one of my few failures as a father has been my inability to teach the kids how to ride a bike. Every summer, I get the bikes out and encourage them to learn to ride. They have had nothing of it, and preferred their scooters to their bikes. Well, all that has changed. Quickly. Suddenly. Without warning. Five days before Noah got his bike, Andrew's friend taught him to ride a bike. I guess all the kid needed was a little peer pressure. Well, Nathanael wasn't about to be left behind, literally and figuratively.  So he learned to ride that very night. Sarabeth was a little more timid, and still wants her training wheels.

It was quite a Wednesday night at our house. We had bikes zooming everywhere. Noah even got out his Park Tools and did a few quick repairs. Big Andrew just happened to be over for the evening and got to enjoy the spectacle. Quite a night, one that this dad will remember forever.

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