Thursday, May 19, 2011


Yep 38.  That's how many hours I gave to our school this year. This is the volunteer log at Frontier for parents to record their hours over the course of the school year. I spent every Thursday morning in Mrs. Johnson's class helping with reading. Today was the last day. I know there will be many more opportunities to volunteer in the future, but today is the end of one season of my parenting journey. I will never get to help in a pre school or kindergarten class again. Beginning in September, all the kids will be in school all day.  Today was the last day I will get to pick up my beautiful daughter at 11:15 and spend the afternoon with her.  Today was the last day helping Mrs. Johnson, (she cried by the way when I was leaving for the last time).  Today was the end of one adventure, and the beginning of the next.

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