Christmas dinner is moments away. Uncle Pat, his wife Vicky, and their 3 kids also just arrived from Brighton. So we will have 14 enjoying the dinner Jen and Janet have been working on for several hours now. Smoked turkey, ham, mashed potato, sweet potato, noodles, stuffing, deviled eggs, homemade bread, and green bean casserole. Yummy!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
10:36 AM
What a great Christmas morning. Evidently the boys like their new dsi games. Thank you to all our wonderful family and friends for their very thoughtful gifts for our family. We wish we could be with you mom and dad and Wes and Kim. We hope you are having a wonderful and blessed Christmas where ever you are!
Christmas Morning
The ladies all got matching pj's! And Santa was here last night. Just waiting for little Andrew to wake up so we can see what's in all those presents!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Yes Andrew.....
Both Andrew and Sarabeth just showed up in the kitchen asking is Santa is real. I told Sarabeth that he is and he is currently on the eastern seaboard heading our way and she better get in bed now that we have put out the milk and cookies. For Andrew I showed him todays Greeley Tribune and the editorial entitled "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus." He read the entire thing and went upstairs to bed.
Happy Christmas Eve to all the readers of Campingdad. I hope Santa brings you all your heart desires this Christmas.
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying:
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
We just got off the phone with a live operator at 1-877-HINORAD and they told us Santa is on schedule and set to arrive in Colorado in a little over 2 hours. The big guy can also be tracked in Google earth and at
The kids each get to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Nathanael just scored a Nintendo dsi, Sarabeth a zuzu pet, Andrew a new game for his dsi, and Noah got Toy Story 3. Hard to believe that kid use to carry around a Buzz Lightyear doll 11 years ago when Toy Story first came out.
The presents are wrapped, work is finally complete, church at Journey was awesome, and now we are preparing dinner at grandma and grandpas. Uncle Ross will also be joining us tonight and tomorrow. We are blessed!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I feel terrible I had to eat the competitors product while enjoying my Colorado Native. I do look darn good in my new Areo hoodie. Now to sample the all new and super secret "Batch 19."
Keystone Light
A frat boys dream! The only packaging lime running was the Key Light. Still really neat to see. On the the "lounge" for the free samples then grandpa Roth's favorite part: the gift shop!
Clear Creek
A chilly stroll through downtown this morning. After a stop at the quilt museum we will head to the brewery. Still no snow. Doesn't look like it will be a white Christmas. Good coffee this morning at the Windy Saddle.
Really having a fun "weekend" in Golden. It wouldn't have been possible without help from good friends watching all the kids so we could have some time to connect, plan, and dream together. Also got some Christmas shopping done. Today's plans include a stroll through the downtown and a tour of the Coors brewery.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Well, the good news is we made it to.Denver for Zoo Lights. The bad news is that there are seriously 40-50 people in EVERY line to buy tickets. Hope we make it inside by 730.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dave & Tim Setlist

Still Water
Don't Drink the Water
Stay or Leave
Old Dirt Hill
Save Me
One Sweet World
Grace Is Gone
Funny The Way It Is
Help Myself
Tim Solo Unknown
Alligator Pie
Eh Hee
Dive In
Lie In Our Graves
So Damn Lucky
Kundalini Bonfire
Out of My Hands (Dave on piano)
You And Me
Tripping Billies
Dancing Nancies
E: Some Devil (Dave solo)
E: Baby Blue
E: All Along The Watchtower
I love my daughter. Day #1 of vacation-coloring a newly purchased nutcracker while listening to the song she requested: Dave Matthews Band "Dreaming Tree." Priceless.


Little D

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Look at that good looking young man! Notice anything different?? Yep, today Noah got his braces off. They rewarded him with a balloon, a card, and a bag full of goodies that he couldn't eat these last couple of years. I really don't feel old enough to already have a kid OUT of braces. Congrats Noah.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Here are the guys with some of their firepower. All of the 20somethings were very impressed with the kids guns. Our team won 2 of 3 in capture the flag. By the time we started playing humans vs. zombies campingdad was spent and sat that round out. I think Jeff and I were the oldest ones there. I gotta get back to doing my weekly spin classes so I can keep up with these kids of mine.
Friday, December 3, 2010
About to start
The boxes have been set up, the teams selected, and the rules explained. It will be a capture the flag style tonight.15 on 15.
Nerf Wars
Our good friend Jeff has set up an EPIC Nerf war tonight at the high school gym. Our guys are ready. And have fairly impressive firepower.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Christmas Sing!
Thanksgiving-Friday Night
The parade was really neat. We all agreed that it was one of the neatest and most well done parades we had ever attend. Everyone had a different favorite float or group. It was fun to see a few marching bands, and even a few floats that mentioned Jesus!!!