Joy!! Look what showed up via FedEx today!! I can't wait. I hope Jennifer is half as excited as I am for next Thursday night.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sarabeth and I are at Nutcracker practice tonight. She also has it tomorrow and on Thursday. Whew. She is on the left in her pink tutu. Their performances are the weekend of December 10 if anyone out there would like to attend. Sarabeth is playing one of the presents. Not too much longer and she will be the sugar plum fairy herself!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
MNF Party
Even though the Broncos got trounced on Monday Night Football last night, it was still a great party at 3506. We were able to see some great friends, eat some great food, and have some great beer. Besides the game, it was a wonderful night and day #2 of vacation. Off to Estes Park tomorrow!
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Band
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Head joined RED on stage for the encore. They jammed on an amazing rendition of "Breath into Me." The show ended at 11:30. Noah fell asleep on the ride home. Brought back a lot of memories of him sleeping in his car seat while we toted him around Nebraska a 11 years ago. We were home by 1, and I'm back at work by 6. Good thing vacation starts in about 8 hours.
RED rocked the house last night. They put on an amazing show lasting almost 90 minutes. The band announced their new album will be released on February 1st. I can't wait.
Friday, November 19, 2010
ROCKED. WOW. And what a testimony about how he came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
Disciple next and then finally RED.
Still waiting for the first band to start. These are the seats Noah and I found. We are on the second floor, center stage, first row. We are some of the lucky ones who have bar stools to sit on all night. We are now hoping for an 8 PM start.
The Guys
Father and son getting ready for the opening band. The hat Noah is rockin' is signed by the band. Geeze he looks like 16 or 17 in this picture. Glad we brought earplugs because its going to get LOUD.
Just got off the RED tour bus. It was awesome. The band visited with us for a few minutes, talked video games with Noah, and played a song for us. They signed autographs, then the tour manager took a group photo with us and the band. Unfortunately there were no pictures allowed on the bus, so those memories will be for Noah and I only. I will post the group picture tomorrow. We were escorted right inside the venue before the doers opened so we didn't even have to wait in line. Here's a very happy Noah in front of the stage before everyone else arrives. Awesome!!!
The I-Max show today was in 3-D!! How fun. So glad Jen had the chance to go and spend that time with Nathanael and his class mates.
Busy Friday
The Thanksgiving holiday week is slowly beginning for some of our family. Jen and Noah started today, the other 3 kids start this afternoon, and I start tomorrow. Jen is in Denver today with Nathanael's class at the DMNS and the Imax. Noah and I will be heading to Denver later on today. More on that later.
Here is the "tour group" Jen is taking around the museum today. Glad her friend Mando could ride along with her.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sarabeth loves the huge box of scrap paper that grandpa Roth gave to us earlier in the year. She loves coloring, cutting, writing and drawing on the almost unlimited colored sheets of paper. Helps her fine motor skills and creativity too!! Also keeps her busy on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons while dad is busy doing house chores.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Kat Von D
Veterans Day
Thank you Grandpa for the service you provided to protect this great nation of ours. Thank you for giving up years of your life so that my family and I can enjoy the freedoms that we do today. Thank you to the men and women of our armed services both past and present for your service to our country. Thank you also to the families for sacrificing so we can be protected and kept safe.
May God bless you and protect you. May the Lords face shine down upon you and give you peace.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I made it to the world famous Tattered Cover Bookstore in downtown Denver for tonights booksigning. Reality TV star of the TLC program "LA Ink" Kat Von D will be signing her new book in a little less then 30 minutes. I am lucky tonight because I have ticket #6 of almost 400. Should be back home in time to pick the kids up from AWANA!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Birthday Boy
Here he is with his cards from Wesley and Kim and Bob and Bonnie. The GIANT red package is from his dad. With a kid as smart as Noah, its all about misdirection. It's also fun to see the confusion on his face while he tries to figure out his gift. The shirt and coat he is rockin' are some of the new clothes that Jim and Janet got him.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
11 3/4
Noah's birthday week celebration has begun!! I am almost more excited to see him open his presents tomorrow then he is. Thanks for the cake, candles and Noah's favorite meal tonight Jim and Janet. Let the party begin!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
That was easy. Some of us make fire the natural way (without using gasoline Shawn). The secret is the bag of Fritos I use as a fire starter. It works every time. Bring on the Smores!
Well not yet. But what better thing to do on a Saturday night then burn some wood in the old fire pit? Hard to believe it was 72 today in Greeley. Let the burning commence!