Over the weekend, Campingdad visited two different bookstores in two different towns: a Barnes and Nobel in Ft. Collins, and a Borders in Greeley. In the politics section at both stores there were books by/about the two presidential contenders. However, they were displayed very differently. The first two pics were taken at B & N and feature cover out of the Obama book and spine out of the McCain book. The bottom three are at Borders and feature the Obama books spine out and the McCain books cover out. It has been shown in studies that books with the cover out sell more copies. Does this show a little favoritism on the bookstores part? A bias in the bookstore clerk who shelved the books? A blogger looking for a blog post since there haven't been any birthdays lately? Please share your feelings in the comments section.
I don't see the problem......I see no bias whatsoever in this entire election! I mean, I get all my election info from MSNBC & they seem to have everything right now the mark.........or do they???
Actually....It's me! I'm working my way around Greeley turning all the BHO books spine out (don't worry, I wear gloves for protection) and all the McCain books cover out. I'm working my way over to Loveland, then Ft. Collins. Feel free to jump in and help out if you want.
Barnes & Noble are in the tank for Barack.
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