Meanwhile, in the air-conditioned basement, the boys were taking part in one of their favorite activities. These kids can build almost anything out of Legos. Right now they are working on models of people and vehicles from the Halo games.
Nathanael was on the computer trying to hack into the Google algorithms. Not too bad for a kids going into kindergarten. And the answer is yes; the computer you see in the picture is where the magic of campingdad comes alive.
Hey, can they build me a catapult? It needs to be big enough to launch a medium sized balloon filled with liquid. I'll need it by Aug 25th. See my other post regarding your trailer. Cool, thanks.
Oh yeah, once Nathanael gets into Google I've got another project for him. I need him to get into Xcel Energy and fix my electric bill. It's getting so high, I can't afford to supply my cache buried up in the hills for when BHO takes office. Of course, if I don't pay it, I'll just become one of the 47,000 people in CO that can't pay their bill and BHO will bail me out along with all kinds of other hand-outs. Forget that little project Nathanael. Let's work on those voting machines in FL and OH.
Obama '08!
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