Jennifer got off work early yesterday, for for the first day all summer we were able to do something on my day off. Head to the hills! We escaped the 100 degree temps in Greeley for the coolness of Rocky Mountain National Park. God bless the National Park system!
We headed to our favorite hike: Bear Lake. This is the fifth summer in a row we have made the relative easy hike around the lake. It was wonderful to be out of Greeley, at least for a few hours. We saw cutthroat trout, tadpoles, a snake, and a few really FAT chipmunks. Little Andrew complained most of the way to Estes, but then he was the one who wanted to keep hiking, maybe camp out, and was disappointed when we had to leave. what a crazy kid.
Finished up the evening with a walk through Estes, and some really great Mexican food. The kids found a shallow spot on the river, and splashed around for a bit. Yep, we were the bad parents who let the kids wade in, much to the envy of all the kids walking by, who then immediately asked their parents if they could too. Then we got the dirty look for the parents as they had to say no. What a great way to end a Wednesday.