Back to the grind. Healing and recovery has been more complicated and taking longer than expected. Still, life continues. Trying to make it to events (and work) when I can. Got some pictures from Sara(Beth) and Gabe from the Tyler the Creator show, a Facebook post from my future “Daughter-In-Love”, and a few from the WoW(world of work), including an abridged LNCO (had to leave at lunch…too much pain), the Greeley State of the City, and a magic show at the Moxi from my friend Paul who was back in town from Little Rock.
Plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
Monday, March 3, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Let’s Operate!
Once again, we interrupt the fun, events and birthday celebrations to have a scheduled surgery this past week in Greeley. This was due to some work that needed to be done to a hernia that wasn’t getting any smaller. So, Tuesday morning, I checked in to Greeley Hospital. Grateful to have the procedure done a block from the house instead of Florida or even Denver. Ended up staying a little longer than planned, and missed the Greeley Chamber annual dinner, which was a huge bummer (It’s probably my favorite event of the year). Made it home late Friday afternoon to continue healing. Thanks to everyone for checking in.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Let’s Party
It was a very nice birthday weekend, with lots of calls, texts, Facebook messages, LinkedIn messages (???) and a party with friends at Stella’s Pinball and Arcade. Who is going to let an unexpected blizzard get in the way of a little fun? So grateful for each of my friends and family that took time to reach out and wish me a happy birthday. Let’s go 48! Make it a great one!
Friday, February 14, 2025
Let’s PDX
The entire city of Portland is shut down after being ROCKED by 3 inches of snow. Kids are adapting, Hashbrown too. Stay safe and warm, kiddos. Hope you have enough food and TP to ride this one out…
Bonus pictures from the soon-to-be happily married newlyweds and their Valentines dinner out.
Let’s Wrap-Up!
Man oh man was it a busy week. I hosted our “5 Days of Love” in four of my markets, which made for a lot of driving around and buying coffee and beers. Also hosted another Greeley Mob Mixer, made time for some friends, and sponsored some more events for later in the year. Oh, and I turned 48 today.
Let’s Weldwerks!
Not only was it shower and bachelor party weekend, it was also Freezy Daze in downtown Greeley as well as the 10th anniversary Weldwerks Invite. ALLO was the official after-party sponsor, and had 4 brewers all-access badges for the two secessions. I was joined by some good friends for the second one, then headed to the after party where I was surprised by the appearance of Sara(Beth) was was supposed to be on the plane back to Portland. A great day all around for sure.