Saturday, May 23, 2015


There are many things that bring me joy in life-my family, friends, the outdoors, reading, a well-brewed coffee stout and a good whiskey. Another is attending and meeting an author that I have enjoyed reading. To hear the author in person discuss their book or books then have them sign the book is a true joy. As a busy husband and father, book signings aren't something I'm able to attend very often, even though hundreds of authors make their way through Colorado every year at the various Tattered Covers or my new favorite independent bookstore, Old Firehouse Books. 

Wednesday night they hosted one of only 6 stops on Mark Z. Danielewski's book tour for "The Familiar Vol. 1 One Rainy day in May."  I had been looking forward to it for over a month! This is book one in a projected 15 year, 18 volume, 21,000 page adventure. MZD read the poem "Panther" from House of Leaves them a rather lengthy section from The Familiar. He then answered about 45 minutes of questions before starting the signing. Not only did I get to meet him and have a picture, he also personalized all four books. It was quite a night. 

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