Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Ran across this question on Facebook the other night. It was posted by our friend Sue. The first response really touched my heart and encouraged me. 


Having two weekdays off has many advantages. One of them is the kids volunteering me to chaperone any and all field trips that they go on.  So last week, I made the trip to Denver with Andrew and the entire 7th grade to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We walked a few of the exhibits, saw an IMAX show and experienced the hands-on excitement of the Health Experience. Taking a group of 7th graders there sure is different then the 3rd graders last fall. The funniest part of the day was when I brought up my blog on an unmanned computer and the kids were like "what the heck is that and why are there all those creepy stalker photos of Andrew?" Didn't know my pictures were creepy stalker-like. That's a close up of Andrews eye and him on the exercise bike measuring heart rate. Pretty fun day with the kids! 


We celebrated a delightful Easter weekend in Greeley with mom and dad. The weather actually cooperated long enough to grill out on Saturday night, play some baseball in the backyard with grandpa and enjoy the thrill of an egg hunt on Sunday afternoon. Jen once again outdid herself with an amazing lamb roast with all the fixings. Sarabeth and Nathanael dyed a few eggs and Noah did a nice job of hiding them. We can sure pack a lot into 24 hours! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Missed last week. Wesley and Ryan at Washington Park in Laramie. 1983. 


Summer 1978. Campingdad and Sparky. 


Somehow, Noah picked up some sweet Colorado Eagles tickets and he invited Devin and I to go along with him and his friend. Mostly I think I was invited because I can drive and have access to money for food and drinks. It was a great game that ended with the Eagles winning in a shoot out. The seats were 4 rows off the ice. Thanks for the invite Noah! 

Watch Dogg

I volunteered for my last Watch Dogg day of the school year last week. It is such a neat program that Frontier chooses to be apart of each year. Dads spend the day on campus helping out, playing with the kids at recess, eating lunch with their kids, and helping make morning and afternoon pick-up run smoothly. My previous Watch Dogg day was such a trainwreck last fall. It was the day of the historic floods in Weld County and 4 days before my surgery. I was in so much pain I only lasted the morning. This one was so much better. Sarabeth loved eating lunch with me, and Nathanael and I enjoyed time together in the library for a genre of the month celebration. Hard to believe that sis will be our only child at the elementary school next year when I'm Watch Dogg again. 

Blood Moon

I know I'm a lot late in posting this, but the littles and I did wake up at 12:45 AM a few weeks ago and take a look at the Blood Moon eclipse. It was pretty neat. I know the photos aren't the best, but it was pitch black outside. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Top Cat

Haven't discussed work much lately, so here's a little update. I've been back full time now for 6 months. The routes are running smoothly. I can't believe how lucky I am to live and work in the same town. Although not having weekends off has been a bummer on occasion, there have been plenty of benefits to having weekdays off. Here are a few awards I've won with my hard work in the first quarter of 2014. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Happy Sibling Day! Didn't even know there was such a thing. Here's a throw back to like 1982 with favorite brother. I think I had a bike wreck several days before this picture was taken. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Peter Pan Jr.

The drama club at Frontier finished up their season on a high note last month, as we were treated to an outstanding performance of Peter Pan Jr. Nathanael played one of the leading roles at Smee, while Sarabeth was a mermaid. The performance was extra special since it was presented at the Moxi Theater in beautiful downtown Greeley. Nathanael was a real hoot, and nailed every line he had. Bob and Bonnie were also in town for their spring break and were able to witness the play. Great job to Mr. and Mrs Long and the excellent work they did with their cast! 

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Its that time of year again! Time for the AWANA Games! Kids have been practicing every Saturday morning for the last 6 weeks or so in order to be ready for today. Was thankful it was in Eaton and not south Denver this year. It was a close one, but Mountain View pulled it out at the end and were crowned champions! Can the shoe contracts and other endorsements be too far behind?