Friday, January 31, 2025


 Got some catching up to do this week! The snow is melting and the sun is out…looking ahead to a beautiful weekend, with some fun thrown in. Made it to the GPO concert with some friends and of course had to get the selfie with the Executive Director. Spent a cold Saturday representing ALLO and the Colorado Dance Collictive with a hot chocolate bar for the Taste of Downtown. Blood donation time at a blood drive with ALLO and our Satellite Rotary Club. Another all school assembly at Westridge Academy for the “Warrior of the Month.” Gave away some gift cards to Midnight Oil for the kids that were selected. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025


While the week was busy, there weren’t a lot of photo worthy events. I was able to attend an intimate United Way “Leaders Circle” tequila tasting at Luna’s in Windsor. Friday night was a red carpet, VIP event for the premiere of a short documentary from the founder and CEO of run.Windsor. The movie focused on last year’s Wild West Relay, a road race from Fr. Collins to Steamboat. In a cool connection, the producer was a man that was in my Leadership Weld County class last year. Fun night!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Let’s Hike!

 Haven’t checked in on the PDX lately. It looks like SBX has rediscovered the beauty of the outdoors! Thanks for the updates, sis. Looks a little more green up there then the snow covered, below 0 temps here. Keep having fun, adjusting to the new job, and remember to keep touching grass.

Sunday, January 19, 2025


 First cold front of the year rolled in over the weekend. At least it wasn’t windy. It seems that it’s always a full schedule anymore, starting at 630 Monday morning when we put together and hosted three breakfast in a row for our United Way celebration of hitting our goal. Pint on ALLO at Lil’t Bit Monday night. Board meeting in Erie Tuesday morning and got to meet the new mayor. Back to Brighton on Wednesday and Thursday. Community Connect on Friday, as well as a visit from the boss. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Community Connect- 2025 Edition

 This is the second year that ALLO has chosen multiple local nonprofits to receive the Community Connect grant: 3 years of 1 GIG service for their organization. This year there were 6 grant recipients, ranging from a local boxing club for troubled youth, to a sexual assault survivor nonprofit and the new shelter for abused women. The event was made even more special by the attendance of more than half of last year’s winners. I was honored to play a small role in selecting the winners, planning the ceremony and executing another amazing event! Congrats to those very deserving nonprofits, their leaders, and the Boards that support them. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Ramping up

 First full week back at work in 2025, and it didn’t disappoint. Full days, busy nights, sponsorship requests galore. Even the first gala of the year. Coffee event with Marie Warren to start the week. Whiskey tasting with Hunter and some good friends. My path shoveling our first real snow of the year. A new calendar from a friend. GMM nailed another fantastic and well attended event at Yetter’s Brewing. First Business After Hours in Erie. Leadership Northern Colorado kicked off our 6 month program (fun and honored to be a leader amount leaders). Not pictured was the Honker Down gala for Hero Expeditions, a veterans organization ALLO is proud to support.