Monday, November 30, 2020


 As we wrap up November, I needed to remember to drop a Thanksgiving post and pictures here. Just like everything else in 2020, this holiday was pretty different. Just our 5 and mom. Noah is stuck in Portland with various travel restrictions on both him and his girlfriend upon returning to the PDX. Jen made an amazing dinner that was all done right at the same time. Pretty impressive stuff, babe. We are thankful that we are healthy, have jobs, health insurance and that no one has COVID-19.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Sis was invited to participate in the annual Barnhart family shenanigans over the Thanksgiving holiday week. First was several practices with the flag football team. Then it was GAMEDAY!! Sister’s team ended up losing by a point, but she got a safety! They had dinner then solved a murder mystery game. Pretty good week she is having. 



 House doesn’t look too bad, does it? Good job getting it decorated, inside and out, team! Merry Christmas. 

Monday, November 23, 2020


 D stopped by yesterday and convinced Jen to try and learn and then play his favorite board game “Twilight Imperium.” I don’t know about you, but it looks more complicated then a dissertation. She was a good sport, and gave it a try. I think Andrew ended up winning. He said is usually takes between 6 and 8 hours for a complete game. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020


 It’s time to get a little holiday cheer on, don’t you think? Today we are decorating for Christmas, inside and out. Seems to go a lot faster when the kids are old enough to help! Might add a few more inflatables in the front yard since Santa looks kinda lonely. Sis did a great job getting most of the indoor stuff done! 

Saturday, November 21, 2020


 Even as Weld County moves toward the RED on the COVID-19 dial tomorrow at 5pm, there are still opportunities to serve here in town. Today, Sarabeth spent 3 hours at the Weld Food Bank with the Success Foundation board. They sorted food and packed boxes. Nice work sis! Always so proud of you. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 It’s been pretty quiet around here, all things considered. Thus, the lack of posts. Covid cases are currently surging again across the country, state of Colorado and city of Greeley. More and more social events are getting canceled including in person Ambassadors meeting, Rotary, Tabletop and Leads. Looking like it will be a pretty small, intimate Thanksgiving as well. 

So any joy that can be found right now is a treasure. We gathered with Scribbs last night to watch the lead singer of O.A.R. on a virtual concert. It was both fun and heartbreaking. Thankful for our new patio heater which extents the time we can get together outside. It was a great set list which lasted about 90 minutes. Marc will be hosting two more shows in December and January. 

Monday, November 9, 2020


 Geeze Ryan, way to miss your oldest son’s birthday post yesterday. C’mon man. Be better. Also missed talking to him up in Portland. He closed the Batteries store and I was in bed when he got off. So I’m sorry son. I hope you were able to celebrate a little last night. I love you and miss you. 

Saturday, November 7, 2020


 I found this surfing the internets and felt it was a good reminder this morning. While there is still quite a bit to be thankful for, there is still so much uncertainty. Still no result from the election. Fires and smoke. Covid. Lockdowns on the horizon. Schools continue to shut down. The never ending pause at Merrill. 

Friday, November 6, 2020


After a very productive workday, I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and treat myself to a bike ride on the Poudre River Trail. It was a delightful ride of a little over 10 miles. Only passed a few other walkers and riders. Smoke from the fires rolled in a little on my return trip, but overall a great hour on the bike! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 At least one of us (that I know of) dressed up this year. My first thought was “That’s cool! They are dressing up as the SAT! 1600 baby!!”  Actually, they are the Chipmunks. Thanks for being grandma’s only thick-or-treater! 

Election Day

 Well, we have arrived at Election Day 2020. Trump/Biden. If nothing else, today and the next 4 years will be interesting! If I can find the pictures from Trump’s visit to Northern Colorado 4 years ago, I might repost them later today. 

Look at the amazing view I was treated to after the gym this morning. Clear sky, mountains, and a nearly full moon. Thankful this morning. I hope you are too. 

Monday, November 2, 2020


 Here are a few pictures from the various breweries we visited while we were out of town. It was a fun day to be out and about since it was Halloween. It was also the first time in 23 years we haven’t gone trick-or-treating or handed out candy. Another first this year.


 We had the opportunity to sneak away for the weekend to celebrate Jen’s 45th birthday, see some different geography and reconnect as a couple. We loved the retreat center we stayed at: miles and miles of beautiful trails, no TV’s in the rooms, mountains and clean fresh air. We ventured out into the city to visit a few breweries and eat meals. A great break from COVID, smoke, snow, and same 5 square miles around our house.