Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Just a tired dog at the end of another day. Wonder if he misses his friend Tulo? Wonder if he dislikes the cats, likes the cats or doesn’t even care as long as he gets his morning treat. 
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Saturday night was a celebration of Little D and all the hard work he has done these last 4 years. He was awarded the Trustees Scholarship to attend UNC after graduation. We were honored to attend the Scholars Banquet with D and about 90 of his future classmates. Jen and I were also recognized as 2 of the 18 parents who are alumni. We are now a “legacy family”! So proud of you Little D. Congratulations. 

Monday, January 28, 2019
Look who made the paper again! Always a highlight to open the Friday or Sunday edition of the Tribune and see a familiar face. This was the group picture from the Ambassadors kick off meeting last week.

The guys had their holiday party at work last night. All you could eat pizza and drinks at the restaurant followed by some laser tag! Gosh they are looking older everyday! 

Saturday, January 26, 2019
Last night was the 10th annual Daddy/Daugter dance sponsored by the city of Greeley. Sarabeth still wanted to attend, so after work it was off to the dance! It was a fun evening together, remembering dances of years past, eating finger foods, slow dancing, and laughing together at some of the odd-ball song selections. Is “Low” by T-Pain or “Baby Got Back” appropriate for a daddy daughter dance?!? We of course had our picture taken together to add to the collection. Afterwards we enjoyed dinner at Luna’s Tacos and Tequila. Sarabeth even got to enjoy a one night only rattlesnake taco! Thanks sis for a really fun and special night. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019
Time for the monthly Greeley Chamber Business After Hours. This month it was hosted by the Monfort School of Business and UNC. Great night of networking! 
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
One of the joys of my new career away from Frito is the opportunity to become much more involved in the Greeley business community. One of the ways I have been able to be involved is though the Greeley Chamber Ambassadors program. We had our annual planning meeting yesterday as we set goals and expectations for 2019. The guest speaker to kick things off was Chalice Springfield! We also took the vote for Ambassador of the Year. Can you see me? 

Sunday, January 20, 2019
I had the chance to help out my favorite brewery over the weekend while I was stopping by for a beer. They were crazy busy with the celebration of their expansion and release of 5 new beers. So Miranda, of the the co-owners, asked me to help keep the to-go fridge stocked. I earned a 4-pack and a free beer for my trouble. Cheers! 
Saturday, January 19, 2019
I won tickets yesterday for the 90% 90’s cover band at the Moxi Theater. How much fun was that?! I even had a date and we stayed out past 11 on a Friday night! Here’s the list of songs you could request. Thankfully I saved $10 when someone else requested Ice Ice Baby. 

Thursday, January 17, 2019
It was Evans Chamber After Hours tonight hosted by the Exchange Club and AIMS community college. Saw lots of friends, met some new folks and enjoyed an evening of networking ! 
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
A Wednesday night after youth group! A little snack, some music and some AP Gov. Keep up the great work son.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Senior Ad
It’s that time again already. Another senior ad in the yearbook. Where is time going? The final ad won’t be published until later this spring. But one of these pictures made it. 

Monday, January 14, 2019
You know you have done a great job parenting when your oldest son sends you the following Snapchat during the New England game over the weekend. Proud of you son! 
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Even while everyone around her is listening to live music and drinking beer, Mrs. Roth is dedicated to getting her grading done by Monday. Proud of her. At least I had fun! 

Saturday, January 12, 2019
Couple of fun events today. First up was “Start Strong,” a 3 hour goal setting seminar presented by a local businesswoman. Fifty of us worked on goal setting, planning, dreaming and putting together a great plan for 2019. 
The second event was Rotary day at the UNC men’s basketball game. We had a fun pre-game lunch before watching the Bears drop a tough one to Montana. Colorado Rockies owner Dick Monfort even made an appearance. Should have asked him why he let DJ go to the Yankees and if he’s planning on ponying up 30 million to keep Nolan.

The second event was Rotary day at the UNC men’s basketball game. We had a fun pre-game lunch before watching the Bears drop a tough one to Montana. Colorado Rockies owner Dick Monfort even made an appearance. Should have asked him why he let DJ go to the Yankees and if he’s planning on ponying up 30 million to keep Nolan.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Let’s Network!
Busy few days networking and representing the agency. Attended the business before hours on Wednesday morning, Rotary at lunch on Thursday and the Regional Chamber After Hours last night at the Budweiser Event Center. Today was the noon Leads Group with the Greeley Chamber. It was a great turn out with 25 people! Largest ever and I’ve been attending for 18 months. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019
I have had the privilege of being a member of the Centennial Rotary Club for almost 2 years now. The Thursday lunch meetings are one of the highlights of my week. The opportunity to mix and mingle with many of the most influential members of the Greeley community, as well as being in the loop as to the goings on in Greeley has been fun. I have had the chance to serve the club and the community at large though chairing the nut committee and most recently asking to serve a three year term on the Board of Directors. Here’s a picture of today’s club! 
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Just just 1 kitten. But 3. Yep, our cat we got a year ago got pregnant and delivered 3 kittens about a month ago. They are all up and moving around the house now, which makes for pretty exciting times trying not to squish one underfoot. We have a home for 1 for sure. Let me know if you want the other 2!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Pretty slow day for blogging. Just a normal Tuesday with work and school. Kids doing great in their second day back after break. Jen is back at work on her Masters. Noah has residents showing back up in Portland. And me? Here’s my view today and every weekday. 

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