Saturday, January 29, 2011


It was a really fun night in Greeley last night with the annual Daddy/Daughter Dance.  The dance floor was crowded with dads and their daughters of all ages. We slowed danced, ate finger foods, drank lots of punch, had our photo taken, said hi to lots of friends we hadn't seen in awhile, and even made a song request for Taylor Swift that the DJ played!! As we left, all the daughters received a flower and the dads were given a pledge card to be a good dad and a list of 100 fun things to do with your daughter, many of which we have already done!

Friday, January 28, 2011

25 Years Ago Today

I was in 3rd grade. I was a member of the young astronauts program that NASA sponsored. It was a huge deal because of the teacher that was going into space.  We were coming in from recess and my teacher came to get us and blurted out "Children, there has been a terrible accident. The space shuttle Challenger has just exploded." There was a TV set up in our class when we walked in. We spent the rest of the day watching the terrible explosion over and over. Sadness. Where were you?

Thursday, January 27, 2011


What better thing to do in Colorado in January then dust off the bikes and go for a ride??? Lil' Lance and I rode around the neighborhood then make a stop at the Human Bean for coffee and hot chocolate. I also picked up the tickets for tomorrow nights Daddy/Daughter dance. Lots of great quality time with my favorite daughter!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Park Tool

My road bike is fixed thanks to my new favorite bike mechanic. For Christmas Noah received a set of Park Tools, a repair stand and a manual on how to repair bikes. I also promised him a space in the basement he could use to set up his new shop. Anyone out there need their bike worked on so its ready for spring??


This little guy has been hanging around the back of my King Scoopers the last several weeks. Maybe I'll throw him some Cheetos next time. Beautiful animal with great color.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I am sorry I am a couple of days late in wishing my favorite brother a very happy birthday. I hope the 9th was amazing and awesome and fun and great. Welcome to the 30's Wesley! I love you.