Sarabeth made out very well too. By the end both of the kids were finally tired of walking. They covered most of grandma and grandpas neighborhood in a little over an hour.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Andrew looking on in envy as nathanaels begins sorting his candy. I think he likes Halloween almost as much or more then Christmas.
Nice Hair
Campingdad himself in this years costume. It was either this or Lady Gaga. I hope I picked correctly. Have fun tonight all you trick or treaters!!
Halloween 2010
Here is the trick or treating group for 2010. Andrew is staying home to hand out candy and Noah is at his girlfriends house. Let the good times roll!
Fritlzer Corn Maze
Jim and Janet have the kids at the corn maze this afternoon as a warm up for trick or treating tonight. Looks like a warm dry day in Colorado. Hope they find their way out before dark!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy birthday to my amazing, wonderful, fun, sexy, caring, loving, forgiving, helpful, beautiful, teammate, friend, lover, mother of our kids, thirtysomething wife of 13 years. I hope your birthday dinner tonight at the Melting Pot was a good present. It was fun spending the evening with your family. I love you Button.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Somewhere in there is the limbo pole. The kids are passing under it 5 or 6 at a time. Now they are crawling under it. How fun!
Taylor Swift
So as I'm sitting here in the gym live blogging all the fun, all of a sudden the DI says "well Sarabeth doesn't want to do karaoke, she has her own song to sing. Here's Sarabeth!" And all of a sudden she had the mic and was singing in front of everyone. Wow. No fear whatsoever. You go girl!
Enjoying fun and games at tonight dance. This is the pass the hulu hoop contest. Nathanaels almost won! Rumor is there might be some karaoke a bit later.
Andy and Andy
One really good costume and one costume that was put together at the last second. Andrew keeps saying he is dressed as "no one."
Frontier Costume Ball
The party just keeps going in Greeley tonight at the Frontier Academy costume ball and dance. How cute are all these kids??? Some of them are dressed in costumes from shows and movies that were made before they were born. More fun photos to follow!
And so begins another year of Halloween parties in the kids classrooms. It appears that Sarabeth made out fairly well at her party. Just think, the weekend hasn't even started yet. No wonder dentists love this time of year.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Decade
Hard to believe I will be celebrating 10 years at Frito Lay next week. This catalog arrived in the mail for me today. It's a nice gesture from Frito to allow me to pick a cool award for my 10 years. Wonder what I will select?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In honor of Jen's almost birthday, Bob and Bonnie sent Jen these beautiful flowers at school this week. They sent them a few days early so she would have all week to enjoy them in her classroom. What a special surprise. Thanks!
Friday, October 22, 2010
The middle schoolers are still having fun at the dance. Jen has been at the school grading papers and snuck down into the gym to snap another photo. After the dance, Noah asked to take her out for ice cream. More pictures to follow!
The Date
So here they are at the middle school dance tonight. No details on how dinner went at her parents house. Noah was the gentleman and bought their dance tickets with some of his hard earned lawn mowing money. Dance is over at 9. Details to follow.
Party Time
Here are the three masked men at the beginning of tonights celebration. We will be decorating the masks a bit later. To begin with there will be video game playing, then Little Caesars pizza followed by more xbox and finally dessert, presents and a new episode of Star Wars the Clone Wars on Cartoon Network.
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Is this what education in America has come to?? It's not even Halloween yet! Actually today at Frontier was "dress as a literary character day." So here is Noah's teacher dressed up as everyones favorite bird. Way to go Mrs. Roth!
Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010
High School
Sarabeth has discovered the best of both worlds: kindergarten in the morning and high school in the afternoon! I mean, who needs all that stuff in-between? We brought mom lunch today and were invited to check out all the seniors and their e-week projects. In Mrs. Cooks room they were making art. Lots and lots of art. So Sarabeth jumped right in with her senior friends and started making jewelry. She was then invited to spend the afternoon with Mrs. Cooks class and make more art. Can't wait to see all she made!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Noah was presented this award in class this week. It is given by the school district to any student who performs at the advanced level in reading, writing and math on last years CSAP test. I don't know how many of these are awarded, but it isn't very many. Great job Noah. Keep up the amazing work!
Monday, October 4, 2010
While dad was putting away groceries, Sarabeth was rocking out on her iPod making chalk drawings of her dad.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Period 10, Weeks 3 & 4
Here are the three amazing pictures that Mrs. Coons drew on Friday of each of the kids. She named Sarabeth's monster "Lady Pandanator", Nathanael's monster "Blocko-Man" and Andrew and his friend Andy's monsters "Cruncher #1 and Cruncher #2." She is such an amazing artist.
The route has been running terrible since Labor Day. The last two weeks I have only managed to run $15,028 and $15,135. I have missed planned by a combined $6,600 these last two weeks. Where have all the customers gone???
Friday, October 1, 2010
We have a table, have placed our order, and have a little tiny 34 oz beer in hand. Andy and Andrew are playing a game on grandma Janet's cell phone, Nathanael and Sarabeth are watching something on Jens phone, Jen and Janet are having a nice talk, and Ryan is live blogging and REALLY enjoying his beer. Life is good!
The adventure continues. We walked down to Romas but the wait was almost an hour. So we drove out west to their other location. The wait is much shorter here. But it is a Friday night AND Homecoming weekend at UNC. So hopefully we will eat by 8? The kids are being so good throughout this adventure tonight.
Action Shot
Andrew and his friend Andy have just finished up being drawn and Nathanael is getting ready. The pictures are absolutely amazing! And the boys are really playing chess. Where did they learn to play chess?!? Too bad Noah decided to spend the night at his friends house and is missing all this fun. Maybe we will use these pictures for the kids school photos this year???
We are at Margie's finally. Kids are being great while they wait to be drawn as monsters. Here is Mrs. Coons drawing Sarabeth. Many, many, many moons ago while in college Jen and I use to hang out here at Margie's. She would study and I would study her.
Beautiful Girl
Just trying out a new app on my Droid. Isn't she beautiful? We are getting ready for another Friday night out on the town, including a trip to Romas for dinner and Margie's Coffee to have Mrs. Coons "Monsterify" the kids in her amazing artwork. Pictures to follow!