These helpful stickers showed up on the sides of all the trucks this week. And the reason we don't carry cash is because business is still so terrible we aren't making any cash. At least this week was better than the last 4 or 5. With the market tour on Tuesday and Labor Day weekend next week, hopefully this week will be strong too. The route ran $18,689 on a plan of $21,708. Yep, that's a miss of $3018. Oh, and stales were high (normal?) again at $338.
Bring on the VP of the western United States for Frito. He's only going to 2 of my stores. What could possibly go wrong???
Although 23,000 CSU kids showed up in Ft. Collins this week, they sure weren't shopping at my stores. The other problem has been this little construction project across the street from my Albertsons. Sometime next year, a Super King Scoopers will open and take about 70% of my business which will not be a good thing. Until then, the project has made getting in and out of the parking lot darn near impossible. No wonder I'm down about $1700 a week in there. So once again, the route missed plan. These are the numbers I should be running in February, not August. Managed to run $15,665 on a $17984 plan. Ouch.
Look what showed up in the mail today from Aunt Kim! No, she hasn't been taking care of that 11 year old. She sent us her trumpet for Noah to use in band this year!! We are so excited for the hours of practice we will be treated to in the coming years. On a serious note (pardon the pun) thank you so much Aunt Kim. We promise to take great care of it.
Thanks to the people at Cricket, the show tonight is being streamed at www.mycricket.com. The beer is cheaper at home, the air conditioning is on, and the entire family can enjoy the show. We are using moms laptop for the internet stream, then connecting it to the big screen via an HDMI cable. Isn't technology great? Its so realistic, you can almost smell the weed.