We were missing Nathanael tonight as the men took a trip out for ice cream. We also walked through Target, but by the time we got to the stores the boys wanted to visit (Game Stop, Best Buy) they were already closed. Which seems a bit strange at 9 PM on a Saturday. We did get to see mom at Kohl's. Their air conditioning was broken so she was a bit warm.
On a completely different note, with this post, Campingdad has reached the century mark for posts this month! Hopefully the readers have enjoyed reading about one of the busiest summer months we have ever had. It was also possibly the funnest July ever!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Period 8, Week 3
The company even cares about the color of its employees urine. This helpful chart has been placed near the free Gatorade this summer. I guess it is there to encourage the employees to drink plenty during the day in the hot trucks. I have an idea: put air conditioning in all the route trucks! Urine color aside, the route was on the slow side this week running $17,125 on a $16,268 plan. Stales were the second worst since I took over the route at $695. Hopefully next week will be better.
I am a....
Thanks to E. over at The Italian Dyes (see link in Blogs I read) for this survey. Just when I thought I was doing a good job as a husband, something like this comes along. Jen hasn't taken the survey yet, so I will let you know how she does. I guess my family would have perished in the 1930's if I was the man of the house. Thankfully we are doing better in the 2010's.
15 As a 1930s husband, I am |
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Rockies lose. Now almost 10 games out of 1st place. Heartache. But Mark had fun. So did I. Really had a good conversation with the season ticket holders we sat next to. Thanks again Bob for allowing us to use "our" season tickets. The smell of the freshly cut grass wafting in the air was a nice touch.
What would a trip to Coors Field be without a picture of Jennifer's favorite player? So here's to you babe! Rockies still losing 6-2 in the bottom of the 8th. Losing stream might reach 8 if there isn't a big rally.
The wheels are coming off not only of the game tonight but possibly of the Rockies season. Cook throws 68 pitches in 2 1/3 innings. Rockies down 5-1 with Manny Corpas coming in from the bullpen.
We made it to Coors Field tonight for the Rockies vs. Pirates game. 1-0 bottom 1st. And Tulol is back!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Word on the street is that the wild Frontier women are on their way back home. They said it was a great time in Idaho Springs, even though it was such a quick trip. This here is one of the hottest looking cowgirls this cowboy has even laid eyes on. Yee-Haw!!
Tooth Fairy
Another milestone in our family over the weekend. The youngest child lost her first tooth. And by appearance in this picture, the Tooth Fairy was rather flush with cash in Sidney, NE over the weekend.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The View
Here is how things look outside the room of the EOV's. Jen lost our last $40 in Central City earlier today. If you look closely behind the tree, you can see the river rafters. Sure looks like fun!
We are here in Cheyenne swapping Nathanael with Grandma and Grandpa Roth. He will finally get his week in Laramie this week. We sure hope mom is having fun today too!
Devils Tower-Part 2
Here are a few more pictures from the end of the vacation. There were several neat hikes around the monument, but we were not prepared very well, either with time or supplies. So we took a short hike so Sarabeth and Nathanael could complete their Junior Ranger books. We also all stamped our National Parks Passport books. Someday, it would be fun to spend a could of night at the KOA just outside the park. Maybe in the spring or fall when it is cooler.

So the wild women are off to Idaho Springs for the weekend. Hopefully they can enjoy the time away from Greeley and find some fun things to do and a neat place to have dinner tonight. They are both ready for Idaho Springs, but is Idaho Springs ready for 2 Educators on Vacation?
Friday, July 23, 2010
All Done
It is a little after 11:15 and we are all finished with tonight's ride. Instead of pizza, the nice folks at Jimmy Johns donated sandwiches for all the riders. I think Sarabeth is finally tired out. And her riding partner needs to be at work in 7 hours. Yawn. Night everyone.
Getting ready to pull out. We get a full police escort throughout the entire ride. Its kinda fun to blow through intersections without stopping!
We are half way through here in Greeley tonight. The aid station is at Starbucks. Passion Tea for all 200 riders tonight!
Here is the rest of the riding party tonight. Sure looks like Lance has put on a few pounds, doesn't it?
Greeley Night Ride
Here is most of the group that will be riding tonight in the yearly GPD night ride. Andrew and Rebecca will also be joining us. 12 miles then Old Chicago pizza and pop!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
New Puppy
This is both a post to congratulate Jim and Janet on their 35th wedding anniversary and to welcome the newest member of the family. This is Lincoln! Jim is thrilled beyond belief. Congrats and Congrats!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
You know its been a good weekend when the back of your SUV is filled with gear. Camelbacks, chairs, a tent, a cooler of beer, bikes, helmets.
Thank you so much Jennifer for allowing this weekend to be possible. It means so much that you see the value in a guys only weekend once a year. Thank you.
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Coldest, best tasting beer I have ever had. And its only 11:27 AM.
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We have just finished up the 2010 Fat Tire Classic. 3 1/2 hours on the bike and almost 20 more miles. Whew. A little shorter today, but we worked in all the classic routes: Buck Creek, Broken Thumb, Ditch and South Fork. Now we are waiting for lunch to start and the Avery Brewing people to start serving their fine products.
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For some strange reason we decided to take the first challenge course today which was Buck Creek. It was quite a climb. We ended up summitting at 10,120 feet. Wow. And it was only 830.
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Day 2
So it begins again. Todays course is quite a bit shorter, so I don't expect to be on the bikes much more than 4 hours. Maybe less, depending on how we both feel. Sadly, we missed the morning yoga class at 615.
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Saturday, July 17, 2010
Saturday Night
Live from Winer Park, its the Saturday Night celebration. The band tonight is doing Beach Boys covers. More free beer. A nice dinner in a few minutes. And 70 degrees. Awesome.
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Uh, yeah. Amazing the things a person will see at the Fat Tire Classic. And in case you were wondering, that is an elephant hat I'm wearing. I know it resembles something else.
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Lunch was really good. Or maybe it was because we were both starving and ready for some real food, not just water and Goo shots. Avery Brewery is providing the adult beverages this year instead of New Belgium. Not as good, but free beer is free beer!
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The glorious finish line for Saturdays portion of the 2010 Fat Tire Classic. Came in at 5 hours and 33 miles.
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Everyone loves a good river crossing. Nice action shot, huh?
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Another shot from the downhill of Tipperary. We might have finished sooner if we both weren't so busy taking photos.
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Heading Down
The downhill on the back side of Tipperary was sweet. I would much rather pedal up the way we did, then the way we went down.
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Here we are at the top. We were the 1st two riders to summit. A few minutes later another rider showed up and snapped this pic for us.
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It was a bit chilly at the camp site last night. So I used the new wind breaker I got for free by signing up early this year! Gotta love free stuff! Thanks to Bob and Bonnie and Grandpa Jim for their financial support this year in helping me reach my fund raising goal.
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Tipperary was sweet! Lots of pics to come! We are at the last aid station in Fraiser. Now its just the long, terrible climb back to Winter Park. All uphill for the last 7 miles. Go Ry go!!
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Still in first. We are making great time. To where, I'm not real sure. We now begin the huge climb up Tipperary Creek. This is where boys become men. This has been the goal for a year now. Wish us luck!
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Aid station #2. Where are all the other riders?? We are first ones here too. The theme is "Abbey". The same father that was here last year is here this year! And the theme is my favorite beer! And I'm keeping up with Andrew (so far).
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