Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It Begins Again...

Another week on the route. But at least I am now only 4 days away from 9 days off. Holla!

I had about 5 different posts to put up yesterday, but Bloggspot was being difficult and wasn't allowing all my pics to upload. Ill try again tonight or possibly tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010


Nathanael is celebrating his big AWANA Games win yesterday by helping me make some pancakes on this beautiful Sunday morning. We have blueberry, chocolate chip, and plain. What would you care for?
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Period 4, Week 1

Another week closer to retirement. Or at least only one week until my vacation! This is a banner that management hung up this week at our depot. I can't decide if it reminds me of the banner in Office Space "Is This Good for the Company?" or one of those sacred relics at college football stadiums that the team all touches before they take the field for the big game.

Either way, it was a slow week on the route. No Albertsons weekend ad, so I missed plan. Ended up the week at $14,561 on a $15,423 plan, a miss of $861. Stales were $356 or 2.3% on a 1.3%. Which isn't bad considering one route had $1004 in stale which was a 16.6%. Ouch. Let's begin the weekend!
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Cici's Pizza

Twice every year, Frontier has a fund raiser at the local CiCi's Pizza. All families are invited to the all you can eat pizza place, with most of the proceeds going to the school. Jim and Janet met us there, and Andrew brought his friend Andy. So it was a very full table. And we ate A LOT of pizza and pop.
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Some of the brothers friends won Sarabeth a ball too! Hope Tulo doesn't get ahold of them right when we get home.
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Here is the cool Broncos ball Nathanael won in one of the games here at CiCi's. What a fun night with the family!
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Where did everyone go? I looked around our table and everyone was gone. Still in the resturant somewhere, but I was totally alone at our table.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring-Day 5

Currently almost 6 inches of heavy, wet snow and still comming down. Gonna be a LONG commute tomorrow to Ft. Collins.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010


Continuing the double date at the Starbucks in Denver. We are getting ready to look at the wedding album from last June. I heard a rumor the guy charged a mortgage payment for this leather bound beauty.
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We won all sorts of great stuff. Took about a half hour to finally decide how to spend a total of 6500 points. Kim loves her stuffed giraffe and Jen got a dancing pig. Wes got a coffee mug for all that coffee he drinks.
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Jennifer: 3032. Ryan: 650. Uh wow.
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Kim: 2300. Wes: 1080. So the Roths win! Granted I did load up Jen's card with a few extra dollars which probably was good for an extra 800 points. Now we are in the store trying to decide how to spend like 7800 points. Kinda like Chuck E Cheese for adults. I hope we don't buy like 100 78 point things...
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Jennifer: 3032. Ryan: 650. Uh wow.
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Trying to bring our team back!
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The kids would be so proud of their mom at this point. Each one of those tickets is worth 2 points. She just keeps going and going and going...
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I finally won a game, the horserace. It was worth 16 tickets. That new ipod touch is 60000. Oh well.
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Maybe the teams should have been roths vs roths instead of men vs women. We are just getting killed. But we are having a great time!
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The Wives

Having a blast at D & B. The women are killing us in total tickets. I thinks its something like 4600 to 2500. I'm really bringing our team down. We need to take these women to Vegas!
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Wes is THE MAN on skee-ball! Won 8 tickets. Kim has like 210 tickets already!
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Date Night!

Wesley and Kim made the big drive from South Dakota to Greeley for the weekend. The original plan was to attend the Rock and Worship Concert in Colorado Springs tonight. After Wes realized it would be 5 hours in the car for a 3 hour concert, we re-considered. So we ended up in Denver at Dave and Busters. More pictures to follow!
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Period 3, Week 4

This is the dumpster at work that we carefully place all of our stale product in. I can't believe how many chips are staling out this year.

I had a good week to finish up the period and the 1st quarter for PepsiCo. Another weekend ad from Albertsons balanced out the spring break week here in Ft. Collins. Makes a huge difference in sales when 25000 possible customers disappear. Route 96835 ran $15,591 on a $13,397 plan beating it by $2,194. Stale was $183 on an $86 plan.
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Friday, March 19, 2010

Reading Counts

One of the really neat programs that the library at FCA runs each year is called Reading Counts. Kids read a book, then take a quiz over it, and earn points for the number of quizes they get right.

All 3 boys are crazy readers like their parents, and have earned a ton of points this year. One of the rewards was to spend points on a special breakfast at school. So here are Andrew and Nathanael in line for some free grub before class.
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Breakfast 2!

Nathanael and his friend eating their prize this morning. Great job earning enough points for this special treat Nathanael!
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And here is Andrew eating his prize on a very cold and very snowy Friday morning.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


On the way to the spring sing for FCA last night (of which the boys did an amazing job and which pictures with be fourth comming) the boys spotted this truck. They pointed out the obvious thing wrong. Can you see the problem?
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Monday, March 15, 2010


There is a reason I drive a vehicle with room for 9. This is a picture of a typical Monday after school. I usually give rides home to 3 different kids, in addition to my 4. So thankful for a big SUV that I can afford to put gas in!
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Period 3, Week 3

With the 2 meetings we had this week, it was all kind of a blur. I did run $16,250 on a $15, 426 plan. Stales were too many to count ($805 if you wanted to know). This is the weekend display at Albertsons 862 using Tostitos and dip. Even got green signs put up for St. Patricks Day!
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Boys on the Side

It was a great time last night helping at the middle school dance over at FCA. Jen had a wonderful time chatting with her students, taking pictures, and dancing with her date. Here she is in the middle of all her 8th grade boys. Hard to believe our oldest son will be attending this dance next year!
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Friday, March 12, 2010


Saw this sticker (not the Rams one, the other one) heading south on College Ave. this morning. It just happened to be in the same place I saw the other one several days ago. It is two Obama logos followed by an "ps". Awesome. OOPS.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Palin 2012

Seen on a car headed southbound on College Ave. today. The best part was he had Laramie, WY license plates. Keep the change??
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Monday, March 8, 2010

Swim Party

As promised, here are the rest of the pictures from the swim party up in Wellington with Aaron and Sarah. It was so much fun hanging out with them last week. The kids are already asking when the next time is that we can go swim and sit in the hot tub. The home made pizza was also a big hit. Thanks guys!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Birds!!

No, no, no, not that great classic movie from all those years ago. The birds are the newest addition to the Roth family. One of the employees at a gas station I service was trying to get rid of 2 cockatiels. Since Andrew had been asking for a pet of his own for awhile, I told her we would take them.

Snowball and Peanut Butter have been a great addition to the family. Andrew has done a great job taking care of them. He has been very responsible at changing their water daily, feeding them, and cleaning their cage (with a little help from mom). He read that they need 11 hours of sleep a night, so he also wakes them up in the morning, and puts them to bed at night. What a cute kid. The boy bird is kind of a meanie, but the girl is very friendly. It has also been some great mom-son bonding time in the evenings, when they get Snowball out to play.


So it has come to this: Spam and stale chips for dinner. No, not really. Andrew had been asking to try that thing called Spam, so last week at the store I picked up a single-serve packet of the stuff. Everyone tried it and voted that they don't ever want to have it again. It was funny to watch them eat it, and their reaction. Nathanael said "It looks like a Pop-Tart!!" Good times on a Thursday night!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Period 3, Week 2

Another crazy busy week on Route 96835. Thanks to ANOTHER last minute ad at Albertsons, I blew the sales plan away again. I ended up running $18,114 against a $14,889 plan. That was $3,224 better then plan. It was an off week for stales, but still had $122, which was .2 higher than plan. Overall, it was a great week on the route. Thanks Albertsons for a great Doritos weekend ad!
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I took a peak into the Sparks weekly award ceremony and saw Nathanael patiently waiting his turn to receive his bar for saying that evenings memory verse. He is also very excited for the AWANA games this month. They are practicing every Saturday morning, then will compete against other clubs from the area.
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Here are Sarabeth and I at AWANA on Wednesday night. She had been looking forward to having me help out for what seemed like months. I am so thankful the kids have the chance to attend this awesome program every week!
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Friday, March 5, 2010


Haven't started the movie yet. So tonight's entertainment so far has been Jennifer and Jim trying to fix Janet's Easter candy dispenser. So far they have tried 3 different screwdrivers. No luck. Hopefully Jim doesn't get out the band saw (a really funny story; ask me sometime if you are interested).

WOW! As I was typing this, Jen might have fixed it. Now if she can just put it all back together.
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At Jim and Janets for pizza, beer and movie night. One last day of work before the weekend starts. Going to watch "Where the Wild Things Are" in HD. Tonights gonna be a good good night....
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