Nathanael loves his pumpkin pie too!
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Thursday, November 26, 2009
You have never seen a pumpkin pis disappear faster than when the Roth children start digging in. Of course there was that time Tulo got on the kitchen counter and got the pie....
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And least someone is getting some exercise today. Andrew, Sarabeth, and Tulo playing fetch. Gotta love sister playing in her evening gown and bare feet.
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All Good
Grandma enjoying some 65 degrees and some wine after a magical dinner! Great job ladies!
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Prairie Berry!
In a shout-out to our South Dakota friends and family, we will be serving Red Ass Rhubarb, from the Prairie Berry Winery just outside of Rapid City. They are the exclusive wine provider for the Roth-Gonzales Thanksgiving Dinner 2009.
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Frog-eyed salad
Sarabeth just reported that 101 frogs had to die in order that we could have this amazing salad.
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Here come the yams!! Or maybe the sweet potatos. Or whatever you call them in your family. Grandpa Roth would be impressed with these yams.
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Uh, I don't know what happened to the dinner prep, but when I came upstairs from watching Noah on the Wii, this is what I found. If I was my dad, I would be worried. But I have faith in the Gonzales women and Grandpa Jim.
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Countdown to Kickoff!
Just received word that the turkey Jim is smoking should be done within the hour. We are getting closer and closer to dinner!! I also just opened my second beer. I am now enjoying my favorite from NBB, Abbey.
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Here is Noah playing on the Wii! He just had his braces tightened on Tuesday, so I hope he can at least eat a little bit today and not just drink his dinner.
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Need to get away?
Sarabeth getting away from it all with mom's ipod. Rock on girl!
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A Dog's Life
Tulo hasn't even eaten yet and he is already napping. Looks like he found a nice soft spot that is right in the way.
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Favorite Mother-in-Law!
Here are my favorite mother-in-law and I in the kitchen. I am enjoying a 2 Below from NBB and she is preparing pumpkin pie. Guess who's having more fun??
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ill be live-blogging the many wonderful and exciting activites today at grandma and grandpa's house in Greeley! I had to work for a few hours this morning, but that's over now and let the fun begin!
Here are Andrew and Nathanael in a heated game of Monopoly.
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Here are Andrew and Nathanael in a heated game of Monopoly.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fire Station
The preschool made their annual trip to the local fire station in October for Fire Prevention Month. The trip fell on one of my days off, so I got to tag along! The kids got the see a firefighter in full gear so they wouldn't be afraid of them in case of a house fire. They also got a tour of the station, to sit in the fire truck, and had all their questions answered by the Captain of the station. Sarabeth loved the fire truck and wasn't scared at all of the firefighter in full gear. She also reminded me on the way home to change the batteries in our smoke detector.

Preschool Days
Greeley Snowfort!
So far this fall's theme seems to be snow fort building. With the big storm that rolled through last weekend and dumped about 14 inches of snow in Greeley, the kids had another chance to build. They are getting even more creative in their creations. They built 2 forts this time, one on each side of the yard. It was a great afternoon, with the sun shining and several friends over to help build and then have a snow ball fight. And no one cried! Well, except for dad when the Broncos lost to Washington.

Monday, November 16, 2009
Thanksgiving Tree!
This is the Thanksgiving Tree that Nathanael has been working on in Art Club the last several weeks. It is so cute and he did such a great job on it. The plate it is sitting on was designed by him too! He is so proud of it. Now we have a centerpiece for the big day next week!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Noah's big birthday party last weekend was a great time to celebrate his 11 years! He invited a few of his friends over for a sleepover, video games, Little Caesars pizza, and a great breakfast made by mom. So what was the 11 year old requesting for birthday gifts? Cash. For his savings account. To buy a laptop computer. To design games on. Wow. Smart kid. When I was 11, I wanted a new basketball to bring to school so I could pick the teams at recess. Go Noah.

NFL Pool Action
I am a wee bit behind in announcing the weekly Roth Family Football Pool winners from the last several weeks. It has been great fun this year to introduce the kids to the wonders of "gambling." I have decided to split the pool into a kids winner and an adult winner each week. That way everyone has something to look forward to. The kids are actually making some great picks, and are getting anywhere from 6-10 games right each week. So, without further ado, here are some winners!
Week #6- Ryan wins with 10 and the tie breaker and Andrew wins the kids with 9!
Week #7-Grandpa Roth wins with 9 and Noah wins with 8!
Week #8- Ryan wins with 9 and Nathanael wins with 8!
Week #9 was the bye week for the pool.
I think these are all the winners and their pictures. Sure would like to see Uncle Wes or Grandpa Jim get their pictures posted sometime. Maybe even Sarabeth!

Week #6- Ryan wins with 10 and the tie breaker and Andrew wins the kids with 9!
Week #7-Grandpa Roth wins with 9 and Noah wins with 8!
Week #8- Ryan wins with 9 and Nathanael wins with 8!
Week #9 was the bye week for the pool.
I think these are all the winners and their pictures. Sure would like to see Uncle Wes or Grandpa Jim get their pictures posted sometime. Maybe even Sarabeth!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I know I already blogged on the snow fort last weekend in Laramie. But here are the better pictures from the camera instead of the Blackberry. Gosh the kids had fun building the fort, then having a snowball fight. I think a little bit of that excitement and energy came from the opening scenes of "Where the Wild Things Are" that we watched the night before. Amazing movie by the way. You should go see it. Note in the pictures as the snow keeps disappearing as the day wears on....

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