Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 I did it. I finally did it. After 6 years of the timing and selection just not being right, I was selected by the Greeley Chamber to participate in the 2023-24 class of Leadership Weld County. This 10 month program will take us around Greeley and Weld County as we develop leadership skills, learn more about our community and build deeper relationships with our fellow classmates. I’m so excited! It’s quite an honor, and I’m looking forward to embracing the challenges and offerings of the class. 


 I hate this hallway. Boarded on time for an uneventful flight home. Was in the garage at 137 Monday morning. I’m thankful I took the day off. An amazing and fun trip to Portland. The kids are all doing well as they continue to grow, mature and find themselves for this next portion of their lives. No return trips planned until June, when Noah will graduate with a degree in accounting from PSU. He will be back in Greeley next month. Don’t know when we will get to see Sarabeth again. The answer is always “not soon enough.” 

PDX- Parting Gifts

 Final stop was Starbucks for more coffee and to give the kids a few gifts. Jen had picked up some souvenirs in Europe she had been saving. Grandma Janet had made a few sweaters for Hashbrown. Jen bought three nesting pots with owls on them that she gave to the girls to plant flowers in. Then it was hugs, kisses, and “see you soon,” and not “goodbye.” Kids went on their way and we dropped sis off and captured one more selfie for the blog!


 Noah and Sariah caught up with us Sunday morning for brunch at the breakfast place next door to Great Notion that we have been wanting to try. We wandered next door to catch the end of the historic Broncos/Dolphins game (70-20????) before picking up sis for a few more “spoiling stops” (Target, Home Depot and Trader Joe’s). 

PDX- Checkout

 It’s Sunday. Time to pack up, checkout, and make a few more memories before our 630 flight. It was really fun staying at the Kennedy School. The rooms were the converted classrooms, the Dean’s office was now a speakeasy, there were several restaurants, a brewery and even several soaking pools. I found a space on Saturday to enjoy a cigar under the gazebo while watching it rain. Jen left some old school feedback on the chalkboard in our room. 

PDX- Natalie

 Noah and Jen enjoyed the Natalie Merchant show…until almost the end when she got fairly political from the stage, and they decided they just didn’t want to be there anymore and headed our direction. They rendezvoused with with us at the Mcminnimans near Noah’s old dorm room. It was just across the street from where the Uber picked me up on Feb. 16, 2020. Hard to believe it would be three incredibly long years before I would get back here. Jen did enjoy the songs she got to hear performed. And yes, Jen was in fact starting to hit the proverbial wall in the picture. We dropped sis off and were in bed by 1!

PDX-Date Night

 We called an audible on Saturday, and decided Noah would attend the concert with Jen, and Sarabeth and I would have a date night. Sushi time! We had so much fun together sharing sushi, walking around downtown, talking, laughing, and enjoying the time together. I miss our date nights back home. I’m thankful I was able to spend the evening with my favorite daughter. 

PDX-Market (last one)

 After our march of “a few blocks,” we finally made it to our final farmer’s market and craft expo of the day. This time we were rewarded with lunch and beers for all of our hard work. Then it was back on the sidewalks, for a stop at Powell’s, before ending up at Noah and Sariah’s new apartment. Sadly, no donuts this trip.