Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 We were invited to Denver last week to have dinner with Ari and her family. Gosh we love that girl (come on Andrew…ante up with that ring). The group polished off: 6 pounds of shrimp, 8 cups of rice, 48 oysters on the half shell and 3 monster ice cream desserts. We are greatly enjoyed ourselves, the food and the company. Hope to be able to host them all in Greeley this fall.

Pastor Wesley

 Look who made ANOTHER trip to Colorado! It was great to have my brother in Greeley for 2 days as we continue the process of going through all of mom’s things. He was incredibly helpful for the short amount of time he was in town. It’s quite a process winding down the well-lived life of your parent. But we continue to solider on, little by little and bit by bit. I love you mom and I miss you everyday. 

Penn Friends

 Our friend Becky posted on Facebook early last week that Shawn’s mom had passed away one month shy of her 80th birthday. The funeral was Saturday. It was so nice to see them and two of their three daughters. We were only able to visit for about 15 minutes at the reception, but I did manage to catch a few candids of Becky showing Jen pictures of her new grandson. I guess we are now at that middle stage of life when we begin to bury our parents and welcome our grandchildren. (Sniff). 


 Greeley finally posted the pictures of the ribbon cutting with First Interstate. When I saw the pictures the first time, I was like “I think I was there???” Blended in pretty well in the back row. Also, I’m not quite sure what I’m so cranky about in the first picture. 

And after a multiple year absence, my friend Jennifer finally convinced me to rejoin the Evans Chamber. So I attended their business before hours this week and reconnected with quite a few good folks. Even won one of the drawings. 


 The boys band had a pretty neat gig all lined up over the weekend in Fort Collins. We had even made arrangements to attend and support the guys. Sadly, as we were pulling into the farm, the clouds opened and the rain poured. Event canceled. Which was pretty sad…it looked fun. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022


 Between all the fun, I am finding some time to exercise. My friend Paul and I have been getting together three times a week at 515 since January to walk at the Family FunPlex, then go have coffee. I’m also sorta back to attending some spin classes, which I have really missed. I did discover CycleBar in Fort Collins and finally signed up for a class. I loved it so much that I’m now not only attending happy hours with the group (and won a free month from the owner!), but now a founding member of the Loveland CycleBar that will open later this fall.


 Here are a few pictures from recent networking activities. The Greeley Mob Mixer is going very well 18 months in. We continue to have 25-30 every month. There are now 3 chapters of TableTop and I’m playing a roll in all of them: Longmont, NoCo, and now Fort Collins. Also stopped by a ribbon cutting for the first time in like 4 months with the Chamber (why can’t they get their pictures posted in a timely manner?). 


 The ladies celebrated Ruthie with a day-trip to Estes Park and a sleepover. Love the sashes they wore all day. Wedding day is less then 3 weeks away!

Monday, July 18, 2022


 Bachelor party that is! Last week Nathanael was joined by his two brothers and 3 other groomsmen for a weekend adventure in Texas for Nathanael’s bachelor party. They all flew to Houston, rented a car, and were in Galveston by dinner. They spent Saturday in the Gulf deep sea fishing. There were plenty of sharks for everyone! Then they had their fresh seafood for dinner. Sunday was a beach day, before a half day in Houston shopping and picking up some new vinyl. Wedding is less then a month away.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

SD- Day 2 Pt. The Last

 I was so glad to have Sarabeth on the trip for many reasons…one of them being someone else to take pictures! So here’s a photo dump of some of the pictures she captured throughout our big adventure to California. I’m so great full for this trip and the opportunity to spend time with Jen and Sarabeth. Who knows if we will ever get another chance like this to be together, just the three of us. So my friends and loyal readers, seize the moment. Take a chance. Choose adventure and creating memories and stories.