Monday, August 31, 2020


 Wow. What a year it has been since I last posted. A very good friend suggested I start blogging again, and I think that is a very good idea. I don’t really know where to start, so maybe a summary?

Mom relocated to Greeley after 44 years in Laramie.


Flatten the Curve

Wear a mask




And that pretty much sums things up, I suppose. Mom lived with us from her arrival on April 26 through Nathanael’s high school graduation on July 7. Noah withdrew from school. Nathanael got a job landscaping. Andrew is starting his sophomore year in college. Ryan had the grid frozen for 3 months, then two more months, then a prospecting “Pause” starting July 31 until....??? Jen started her 11th year at Frontier on a “Hybrid” (WTF) schedule. My brother became a pastor. 


Here are some pictures. 

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