Thursday, February 6, 2020


I guess I could have created individual blog posts for each of these, but instead I’ll just lump them all together to help me get caught back up. I’ve been out on the town hustling in 2020, attending events, networking, making connections and building the know/like/trust I need to have in order to secure the business I need to this year at ML. So, here’s a collection of me doing just that!


Sis and I attended our 11th conservative Daddy/Daughter Dance 2 weeks ago. She is now one of the oldest girls that attends, which she said is ok because the little girls need to see it’s ok to still attend when they get older. We danced, had our picture taken, shared finger foods, and enjoyed dinner at Luna’s afterwards. I tried, but couldn’t stomach the beet tacos.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Happy February!

Well, it’s already February. Can’t believe how busy the last 2 weeks were. Maybe someday I’ll catch up here on the blog. For now, here I am trying to read the morning paper.