Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Today is another special day as we celebrate Andrew James turning 16!! Even though you won't be getting your licence for a few more weeks, I hope you still have a great day today. I love you and am so proud of you! Happy birthday son! 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

AP Scholar

Congrats to Noah "Toby" Roth on the achievement of AP Scholar last year. The award was just announced last week. One of 18 at Frontier and 104 in the entire district. Congrats son. Let's do it again this year. You too Andrew! 


Most of the family made it downtown last weekend for OktoBREWfest 2016. Pretty chilly that night as we met up with our friends the Woods. Coach and I even got a selfie with the band The Twirling Zucchinis! We have to remember to get VIP tasting tent tickets next year. Much better deal then GA. Someone please remind me! 

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Noah ran his final home meet of his season/career/life on Wednesday in Greeley. Grandma and Grandpa Roth made a very brief (2 1/2 hour) appearance in Greeley to cheer the team on. Noah ran a solid 22:22. And just like that, Noah is almost done running in high school. He will have one final meet in Brush next week. So proud of the work he did over the last 4 years. We even managed to sneak in a pizza dinner before youth group.