Sunday, March 6, 2016


Just another busy weekend in our family of moving people around so they can get to all their activities. Jim was in town Thursday night before leaving for Nebraska for the weekend. He left Janet to stay with us, which was very helpful! Sis and I had our fun on Friday while Jen did credit recovery and then ACT Prep. Nathanael headed to friends house for a movie afternoon and walk to the park. Andrew spent all day Saturday in Strassburg with the AccaDecca team. Noah had a full day of work Saturday. Jen and I listened to the boys game with Kristy and Mav Friday night and joined them again Saturday night with Millmans at Weldwerks. Sarabeth has started babysitting on Thursday and Friday nights for about 6 hours. On Saturday, Nathanael and I managed to get away for a quick lunch at Right Coast and a stop at Nerd Store. And now it's Sunday again, and I'm back at work. And Peyton Manning will retire tomorrow as a Bronco. 

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