Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

Just the 6 of us tonight in Greeley. Finally got done at work in time to get cleaned up, get the family organized and made it to church at 530. Currently enjoying various snacks like Jens world famous buffalo chicken dip and spicy hot wings. Debating on present opening tonight or tomorrow. Maybe one tonight or the rest in the morning? Or all of them now and stockings from Santa tomorrow? Either way, Santa is currently in Tampa Bay and heading our way. 4.9 billion gifts delivered so far. Pretty good year for earth! Merry Christmas everyone! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Watch Dog

We continue to have lots of "lasts" at the elementary school as the school year progresses. Last Friday might have been my last as a Watch Dog. I remember when they started the program sometging like 5 (6?) years ago. It has become so successful that kids now just assume a dad or two will be at school everyday all year long. I was able to help out in some classrooms, monitor the grounds and do basic security, help with pick up and drop off and move the kids through the lunch room. Here's my favorite 5th grader with her friends at lunch! 


What a fun way to spend a Thursday night, since you-know-who doesn't have to be up at 4 AM for work on Friday! We were offered some pretty sweet seats for the Nuggets/Jazz game. Pretty sweet as in the third row. At half, we enjoyed some adult beverages in a pretty swanky bar under the stands.

 In the middle of the second quarter, fashionably late so everyone could see him, who appeared with his posse but one of the best linebackers in the NFL? Von himself. Looks bigger on TV while sacking quarterbacks. 

Nuggets lost, but they always seem to the Jazz. So many memories of seeing these two teams square off in years past. Making mid-winter trips to Denver with mom and dad and Wes to see Uncle Steve and the Karl Malone/John Stockton led Jazz were so special. Meeting Malone, Hod Rod Hunley, Frank Layden and a trip into the locker room to get autographs and the halftimes when Uncle Steve would come up to our seats and say hi. So many fun and special memories. 


While mom and the Bigs were away, we were able to have some fun here in G-town. It's pretty awesome having Friday and Saturday off! After we picked up Nathanael from the middle school dance, we headed out for a night on the town. Wiley Roots was hosting a choir group from UNC who were putting people in the holiday mood with an evening of Christmas carols. We also made a stop at the Nerd Store to pick up some Magic cards for Than. Saturday was decorating the tree and prepping for the holidays. Thanks for the help sis! 

Best of the West

The high school band made their annual trip to Grand Junction for Best of the West in early December. Jennifer was once again asked to be the female chaperone for the trip. This years trip was special because the four juniors were able to make a college visit together to Western State. They toured the campus between auditions, practices and concerts. They also hit up the bookstore and got some new swag. Will this lucky woman be their RA in the fall of 2017? 

Reading Counts

Sister has been reading like crazy this semester and taking Reading Counts quizzes daily. Her dad is promising a pretty sweet reward (bribe) if she can make the "Wall of Fame" for points by the end of the year for 5th graders. She has an incredible start, as was mentioned here in the new newspaper that the elementary school is publishing monthly. The all time record is 1860. She finished the first semester with 1060. 800 to go girl. You can do it. 


Happy December faithful readers! Once again, been pretty quiet here on the old blog. Family is still attempting to adjust to the new schedules and activities this winter. I'm sorry for a lack of posting anything here recently. It's not because we haven't had anything going on. Quite the opposite. Concerts, basketball games, Christmastime preparations, end of semester grading, reports and tests, as well as the just day-to-day comings and goings of a family of six. 

One day, you walk into a dark, dreary, wood paneled office, and are interviewed by an ancient man for a job stocking potato chips. Who knew a job like that even existed? You're offered the job, and begin. Soon, days turn into months, into years, and all of a sudden this arrives in the mail. Hello, 4 weeks of vacation each year for the rest of my time at Frito. Also a nice picture of my fully loaded truck ready to hit the streets and make plan.