Thursday, August 23, 2012

Penn Friend!

It has been a tough week for Campingdad. The side effects from the radiation have continued and even gotten worse in some cases. I have been on a strict schedule of pain killers since Tuesday to help with the pain and allow me to sleep. It's been very discouraging. Then, on Tuesday night, an angel appeared in the form of my friend Shawn. He had made a quick trip to Colorado from Pennsylvania and our family was the only one he made time to see. Even though it was only about a 15 minute visit, it was just what I needed at the time. After he left, I just cried and cried. I cried because I'm tired of being in pain. I cried because I'm scared of the impending surgery. I cried because I miss their family so much and the next time we see them, this whole stupid cancer thing will be over. I cried for my lost summer of camping and biking. I cried because living with cancer sucks. Shawn and I sure look middle aged now, don't we? Look at those bald heads.

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