Sunday, January 31, 2010


Last night was the big night Sarabeth had been looking forward to since I had told her about it several weeks ago. The City of Greeley Rec Department was sponsoring the second annual Daddy/Daughter Dance. I was excited to take my daughter out for a couple of hours, and she was excited to get all dressed up and go dancing with her dad!

It was a wonderful night out! I got a corsage for her, drove her to the dance, and spend the evening (well at least the hour we were there) twirling her around the dance floor. We were treated to some great music like "Butterfly Kisses" and "The Hookey-Pookey". There were also finger foods and even a formal picture taken of us. We would dance for a song or two, then walk across the hall for a water break. It was fun to see so many dads there with their daughters of all ages. Sarabeth had a great time and so did I. Cant wait for next years big dance!

Note in the third from last picture, the formal picture of us is on the table. Let me know if you would like a copy!

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